Scientific Name :
Hyporhamphus pacificus
Scientific Name :
Asterropteryx semipunctatus
Scientific Name :
Sphyrna lewini
Average Length Weight :
Up to 14 ft, generally under 7 ft. Averages around 100 pounds; can reach 200 or more.
Scientific Name :
Sphyrna tudes
Average Length Weight :
Up to 16 ft (6 m), but generally under 10 feet. 500 to 1,000 lbs (230 to 450 kg)
Scientific Name :
Arius felis
Average Length Weight :
Most run 1 pound or less, but may reach more than 4. World record 3 pounds, 5 ounces.
Scientific Name :
Hymenocera picta
Scientific Name :
Tetrapturus sp.
Average Length Weight :
Uncertain; possibly to 200 pounds or more.
Scientific Name :
Labroides phthirophagus
Scientific Name :
Conger marginatus
Scientific Name :
Caracanthus typicus